BioGenetics Corporation
  Providing Donors of Diverse Ethnic Origins Worldwide with Assured Personal and Confidential Care
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BioGenetics Corporation was established in 1980 to become the first commercial sperm bank in the United States located in New Jersey.

BioGenetics Corporation recruits, evaluates, cryopreserves (freeze), stores and distributes sperm from Donors of diverse ethnic origins.

BioGenetics Corporation undertakes the most stringent donor selection and testing process in the U.S.

I need to select a Donor

Cost and ordering process

Terms and Policies

Becoming a Sperm Donor

Cryopreserved Donor vials are available to individual Clients/Recipients to achieve Assisted Reproduction.

BioGenetics Corporation supplies cryopreserved (frozen) sperm throughout the United States, and Worldwide.

BioGenetics respects the current medical standards and ethics set forth by the:
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
American Society of Andrology (ASA)
The American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB)
The American Urological Association (AUA)
and all related scientific associations and regulatory government agencies that may impact Reproductive Cell and Tissue Banking.

BioGenetics is FDA Registered

BioGenetics is licensed by:
The New Jersey State Department of Health as a Laboratory under CLIA
  The New York Department of Health as a Reproductive Cell & Tissue Bank



2013 © BioGenetics™ Corporation | Changes may occur without prior notice.